Kia ora!

Welcome to the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Programme for the mental health and addiction sector.

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20,829 new referrals

Between April and June 2023, 20,829 new referrals were made into community and inpatient mental health and addiction services.

79% seen within 3 weeks

Of the 20,829 new referrals made between April and June 2023, 79% of them were seen within the first three weeks.

93% seen within 8 weeks

Of the 20,829 new referrals made between April and June 2023, 93% of them were seen within the first eight weeks.

2,376 acute inpatient discharges

Between April and June 2023, there were 2,376 referrals discharged from acute inpatient wards across Aotearoa.

78% followed up within 7 days

Of the 2,376 acute inpatient discharges between April and June 2023, 78% of them were followed up in the community within the first seven days after discharge.

16% readmitted within 28 days

Of the 2,376 acute inpatient discharges between April and June 2023, 16% of them readmitted to the same or another acute inpatient ward within the first 28 days after discharge.

21% NGO involvement

Of the 2,376 acute inpatient discharges between April and June 2023, 21% received support from an NGO in the 28 days before, during, or in the 8 days after their inpatient stay.

411 seclusion events

Between April and June 2023, there were 411 individual seclusion events recorded across Aotearoa.

37% whānau engagement

Of all people supported in community mental health and addiction services between April and June 2023, 37% had whānau involved in their care at least once within that same time period.

We’re on a mission to use benchmarking to drive continuous improvement and equitable health outcomes for tāngata whai ora, whānau and communities.



For people delivering adult mental health and addiction services in Te Whatu Ora division and NGO settings.

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Child and Youth

For people delivering child and youth mental health and addiction services in Te Whatu Ora division and NGO settings.

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For people interested in the continuous improvement of our NGO mental health and addiction services.

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Why family whānau leadership roles are just as important in NGOs

August 14, 2024

By Sharon Necklen, family whānau lead, Emerge Aotearoa. Sharon works nationally but lives in Ōtautahi Christchurch.

Emerge Aotearoa created the role of family whānau lead to respond to the shift in practice models and service delivery frameworks that have evolved over the last decade.

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Improving whānau engagement in a mental health NGO

August 8, 2024

Including the voice of whānau* in their work is an important focus at Equip, a community mental health provider for the wider Auckland region.

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Improving data collection to tell the right stories

June 9, 2023

For the past two months, the KPI Programme team have been on the road meeting with people who lead, deliver and use services. As a team we would like to extend our sincere gratitude to everyone who has hosted and given us so much manaaki (care) over this time.

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