Continuity of Care

Continuity of care is a measure designed to support services to understand the quality of continuity of care between Te Whatu Ora division and NGO mental health services so they can gain insights into where improvement is required to contribute to better wellbeing outcomes for tāngata whai ora who access acute inpatient services.

In response to feedback from tāngata whai ora that they experience inconsistencies in connected care, the ‘continuity of care’ indicator serves as an initial marker for use by Te Whatu Ora divisions (previously DHBs) and NGOs to inspire reflection and learning about how they can keep improving the way they work together.

The continuity of care indicator provides two dashboards:

The NGO national quarterly summary analyses NGO activity by Te Whatu Ora division by as indicated through NGO engagement before, during and after an acute inpatient admission. Note this dashboard includes all tāngata whai ora regardless of whether there was an NGO activity recorded in the 28 days before an acute inpatient admission.

The national quarterly continuity of care dashboard analyses NGO activity by Te Whatu Ora division as to when NGO engagement occurred, unique referrals and a visualisation that looks at what effect NGO pre admission care has on divisional average length of stay (ALOS) and 28-day readmission rates.


The continuity of care indicator dashboards are built using criteria for all populations, where this data is reported by services into PRIMHD. Click here to learn more about PRIMHD

All KPI Programme indicators provide demographic information by age, gender, and ethnicity.

Data available through December 2023, sourced from the 25 September 2024 refresh of the PRIMHD DataMart.

Please note:

  • Tairāwhiti have complete data up till the end of June 2023
  • Southern has complete data up till the end of August 2023

If you have any improvement ideas or feedback please email us at

Data dashboards

NGO national quarterly summary

This report analyses NGO activity by Te Whatu Ora division and financial quarter. NGO involvement data is split by age, gender and prioritised ethnicity

It is important to note that this dashboard includes all tāngata whai ora regardless of whether there was an NGO activity recorded in the 28 days before an acute inpatient stay.

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National quarterly continuity of care

This report analyses NGO activity by Te Whatu Ora division and financial quarter. NGO involvement data is split by age, gender and prioritised ethnicity

It is important to note that this dashboard includes only tāngata whai ora with recorded NGO activity in the 28 days before an acute inpatient stay.

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