
Seclusion indicator data dashboards describe the frequency and duration of seclusion events that occur in acute mental health inpatient units across Aotearoa.


There is a clear rationale for continuously using data to monitor the use of seclusion in inpatient mental health services. Growing evidence over the past decade supports the need to reduce the use of seclusion and other restrictive practices. Seclusion has adverse physical and psychological impacts on both the people and staff involved (Askew, Fisher, & Beazley, 2019; Cusack et al., 2018; Hawsawi et al., 2020; Mellow, Tickle, & Rennoldson,2017). Click here to read more evidence about this indicator.


Seclusion indicator data dashboards are built using criteria specific to adult populations (20–64-years), but also provides age filters for child and youth (0-19 years) and older people (65 and over), where this data is reported by services into PRIMHD. Click here to learn more about PRIMHD

All KPI Programme indicators provide demographic information by age, gender and ethnicity.

Data available through December 2023, sourced from the 26 June 2024 refresh of the PRIMHD DataMart.

Please note:

  • Tairāwhiti have complete data up till the end of June 2023
  • Southern has complete data up till the end of August 2023


If you have any improvement ideas or feedback please email us at

Data dashboards

National summary

This report provides a national overview of seclusion within a single financial quarter. It includes the # of seclusion events as well as the # of unique tāngata whai ora secluded. Both of these values are also compared against the previous quarter and shown by month across the previous year.

Seclusion events, secluded tāngata whai ora and seclusion duration are presented by demographics (age, ethnicity and gender), as well as seclusion events per 1000 bednights and seclusion events per 100k population.

The entire report can be filtered by financial quarter and basic demographics (age, gender and prioritised ethnicity).

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Te Whatu Ora division summary

This report provides individual Te Whatu Ora division summaries of seclusion data. It includes the # of seclusion events as well as the # of unique tāngata whai ora secluded. Both of these values are also compared against the previous quarter and shown by month across the previous year.

Seclusion events, secluded tāngata whai ora and seclusion duration are presented by demographics (age, ethnicity and gender), as well as seclusion events per 1000 bednights and seclusion events per 100k population.

Shift patterns of seclusion event and duration are also presented.

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Forensic national summary

This report is similar to the national quarterly summary, except that this includes only data from forensic teams. Additional shift information is also presented.

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Te Tāhū Hauora Zero Seclusion Measures

This report is a replica of the Zero Seclusion Outcome Measures, developed by Te Tāhū Hauora in 2020.

The logic definition for the Zero Seclusion Outcome Measure is provided by Te Tāhū Hauora and compares seclusion events and tāngata whai ora numbers to total inpatient numbers.

Please note: This logic is different to the one used by the KPI Programme seclusion data dashboards and therefore is not able to be cross checked.

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