Introducing the inaugural MHA KPI Programme newsletter

A new monthly newsletter for the Mental Health and Addictions Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Programme designed to keep you informed and connected.

Like the Programme – this newsletter is uniquely yours to own. A space to contribute to this collaborative community, participate in the continuous quality improvement of our services, solve problems, share learning and showcase innovation in action. It’s your platform to highlight how effective data use can transform wellbeing outcomes for tāngata whai ora, whānau and communities.

We appreciate you are responding like never before. The COVID-19 pandemic has required our mental health and addiction workforce to practice differently. To be brave through uncertainty and make rapid bold shifts in how we support people to navigate layers of complexity – balancing how we meet needs today, while anticipating what lies ahead.

For more than a decade the KPI Programme has equipped the sector to take data-informed collective action on some of our most enduring challenges. This practice remains relevant today and over the coming months we will be working with you to deliver more opportunities to engage, take action and expand the reach of the Programme.

A lot has happened over the past two months and there is much more to come for the KPI Programme. We believe the voices of all will compel us forward in the right direction and this edition is filled with opportunities to get involved and help shape the future of the Programme.

So, grab a cuppa and read on to find out how you can share your voice this June….

Read the newsletter