How can a mental health workforce pressured by workplace demands be supported to engage in Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) in mental health services across Aotearoa New Zealand?

Sharon Logan Clinical Improvement Coordinator at Te Whatu Ora Waitematā shares her insights from her Masters thesis about how a workforce under pressure can be supported to engage in Quality Improvement.

The engagement of healthcare staff in Quality Improvement (QI) is a critical feature of successful QI and a lack of staff engagement is a barrier to successful and sustainable QI. QI is a core function for all healthcare organisations and is a vital to sustainably of health systems, cost management, service development/improvement, and tangata whai i te ora safety when using services.

Research has repeatedly demonstrated the need to actively engage frontline staff in QI, but barriers in the healthcare environment prevent frontline staff engagement.

This presentation was shared at a Benchmarking Breakout on 16 March 2023 and summarises the findings of an integrative review which was undertaken to seek answers to the question: How do healthcare staff, pressured by workplace demands engage in Quality Improvement in the mental health setting in New Zealand?

Click here to read the presentation