Space to think

I orea te tuatara ka patu ki waho
A problem is solved by continuing to find solutions.

As the weather gets colder, events across the mental health and addiction sector will warm your heart and provide connections and learnings that inspire continual positive action.

There are less than two weeks to go until our next KPI Programme forums kick off. The forums are set to give attendees an opportunity to engage in live interactive data dashboard benchmarking; and to contribute to discussions on the current stream indicators while learning more about the practices driving different DHB results.

Over the past couple of months, the Child and Youth stream have been developing their first data dashboard indicator – waiting times, and the stream leads are thrilled to be able to launch this new visualisation tool at their forum on 15 July.

Both forums include time dedicated to understanding rangatahi and tāngata whai ora service experiences. For both the Adult, and Child and Youth stream leads, dedicating time to sharing these critical voices was an important requirement for the July forums. As a Programme we understand the real value of service data benchmarking is achieved when put in the context of human experiences as this allows us to truly understand the impact of our practices on peoples wellbeing.

The KPI Programme welcome iCAMHS at Nelson Marlbrough DHB to our expanding whānau. Emma Williams, Clininal Coordinator, and her fabulous team, will be contributors at the Child and Youth forum and will share their initiative to reduce wait times for taiohi and rangatahi. The team have agreed to a question and answer session, and to openly share advice on sustaining change. As one of our new Child and Youth stream leads, Emma is also profiled in our ‘spotlight on’ series below.

In the Adult stream forum, the team at Waitematā DHB will build on the korero from 2020 around the use of remote technologies for engagement both in operational and clinical practice. It is a case study which highlights change as learning and the efforts required to embed new approaches in a sustainable way.

Both Waitematā and Nelson Marlborough DHB case studies exemplify continuous improvement in action. They talk to the fact that improvement initiatives are not discreet projects with natural end points. This is because continuous quality improvement is a process of sustained effort and reflective discipline, staying aware and open to adapting to changing contexts and responding to learning so the solutions can evolve over time to solve the right problems.


As a Programme we also continue to stay dedicated to evolving how we engage and respond to the needs of the mental health and addiction sector. In 2020, you told us that you would like more regular opportunities to connect and collaborate using benchmarking data. Come August, the KPI Programme will be launching new monthly virtual benchmarking breakout sessions. The sessions are designed to give anyone interested in continuous improvement initiatives, space to use the data to discuss and explore topical issues and sector priorities to inform new possibilities. Stay tuned for more information!

It’s a month to get inspired and energised by your sector colleagues. To register for the July KPI Programme forums, as well as the range of different sector events coming in July, follow the links provided in this issue.

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