New reporting requirements for 7 day follow up

Continuous improvement is one of the cornerstones of the KPI Programme. It is the practice of continuously re-examining and improving the way we deliver mental health and addiction services across Aotearoa to achieve better outcomes for tāngata whai ora, whānau and communities.

Through the Programme, DHBs and their NGO partners have been equipped to make continuous improvement a practice using benchmarking to uncover service problems; and leverage shared learning and collective focus to find new ways to improve service quality.

For more than 10 years, the KPI Programme has worked alongside the sector to put attention on the right challenges and build a knowledge base through which the Ministry of Health and services across Aotearoa can monitor their progress against sector priorities.

The continual improvement of our mental health and addiction system, as well as suicide prevention, remain priorities for our Government and all New Zealanders. To help monitor sector progress, the Ministry of Health have asked all DHBs to start reporting their acute inpatient post discharge community care, or as we commonly know it – 7 day follow up, in their Quarterly Reports from 20 October 2020.

To find out more about why the Ministry has asked DHBs to report on their 7 day follow up performance and increase the visibility of this measure, the KPI Programme talked with Barry Welsh, Principal Advisor Strategy and Policy from the Mental Health Directorate at the Ministry of Health. Barry shared his key insights which are included in this issue, along with how the KPI Programme will be supporting DHBs to meet their reporting requirements.

Finally, a quick reminder as we head into the last quarter of 2020, to keep an eye on our website for further details of the November KPI Programme forums.

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