7-day follow-up: Transitioning from inpatient to community services. Key performance indicator literature review – November 2022

The first week and month following people’s discharge from inpatient mental health services is a particularly vulnerable time. It is essential inpatient and community services ensure people are well-supported during their transitions into life in the community. To support the wellbeing of tāngata whai ora (people seeking wellness), strategic plans for mental health services in Aotearoa New Zealand highlight the need to improve transition processes and options for community services after discharge from inpatient services (Government Inquiry into Mental Health and Addiction, 2018; Health Quality and Safety Commission, 2017; Manatū Hauora Ministry of Health, 2019).

This rapid literature review summarises evidence underlying the use of a 7-day follow-up indicator to inform the KPI Programme. It aims to develop a better understanding of the indicator and how it compares to those used internationally.

Click here to read the report.