The KPI Programme indicator dashboards are currently unavailable due to maintenance. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. >Ngā mihi, the KPI Programme team.


KPI Programme presents: Dr. Ganesh Nana, Chair of the Productivity Commission

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Topic: How do we use data to take practical action to achieve equity? Join the KPI Programme on 14 October to gain critical insights from the Chair of the New Zealand Productivity Commission, Dr. Ganesh Nana about how data can be used to take practical actions to achieve equity. About Dr. Ganesh Nana Ganesh is


KPI Programme Super Benchmarking Week – NGO Stream

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From Tuesday 22 March to Thursday 24 March 2022, the KPI Programme is delivering Super Benchmarking Week. Via Zoom, Super Benchmarking Week includes a series of dedicated events for people working in and with Adult, Child and Youth, Youth Forensic and NGO mental health services. Over three days, sector leaders from across our health sector


KPI Programme national forum – Wellington

Pipitea Marae, Wellington 55 Thorndon Quay, Pipitea, Wellington, New Zealand

On Tuesday 8 November 2022 from 8:45am to 4:00pm, the KPI Programme will host a national benchmarking face to face forum in Wellington. The location for the forum is Pipitea Marae, 55 Thorndon Quay, Wellington. This forum is open to KPI Programme contributors from all organisations working in our mental health and addiction sector. This includes



Thursday 26 October 2023, 10am to 3:30pm Co-hosted by Te Pou, The KPI Programme, Tūtohi and Atamira Platform Trust.   Are you keen to explore and understand the value of the mental health and addiction data set we call PRIMHD? Do you want to connect with others from across the mental health and addiction workforce



International mental health benchmarking


Join us to explore the International Mental Health Benchmarking 2022 dashboards compiled by the NHS Benchmarking Network. These dashboards provide comparison information across the 12 OECD member countries for Adult, Child and Youth and Community settings along with workforce comparisons. Access the dashboards before the Benchmarking Breakout and bring your questions, observations and insights to


National KPI benchmarking forum – Ōtautahi Christchurch

Various locations , New Zealand

On Wednesday 13 March 2024 from 8:45am to 4:00pm, the KPI Programme will host a national benchmarking in person forum in Ōtautahi Christchurch. The location for the forum is Rydges Latimer, 30 Latimer Square, Christchurch Central 8011 This forum is open to KPI Programme contributors from all organisations working in our mental health and addiction



Join the Te Pou addiction and least restrictive practice teams to discuss the impact of co-existing substance use in the inpatient setting. This session aims to inform the development of a new learning resource about responding to co-existing substance use for inpatient mental health staff. Anecdotally, the sector identifies co-existing substance use as an increasing


Join us as we use the seclusion indicator to explore the rates of multiple or subsequent seclusions in inpatient services. As we see a general reduction in the amount of tāngata whai ora secluded, it is important we consider the reason there are still high seclusion rates.   To get the full utility of this session,


Join us to discuss the importance of the first 24 hours following inpatient admission in eliminating seclusion. Te Pou researcher Jennifer Lai will share the findings from 'Seclusion within the first 24 h following admission into inpatient mental health services and associations with referral pathways, recent service contact and HoNOS ratings.' To get the full


Benchmarking Breakout: Following up on seclusion two months on


Join us two months on from our Benchmarking Breakout on seclusion as we use the seclusion indicator to uncover insights and identify areas of improvement from those who attended the first hui.  To get the full utility of this session, we recommend having a look at this indicator and its dashboards before the session to